
Kevin S. Lee

어렸을때부터 지금까지 정말 많은 도움을 받았습니다. 뭣 모르고 온 유학길에서 헤메고 있을때 공부부터 학교 생활이나 전반적인 부분까지 세심하게 케어해주셔서 열심히 공부할 수 있었습니다. 사이먼 선생님뿐만 아니라 다른 좋은 튜터 분들 덕분에 학교 성적은 물론 SAT, ACT, AP, SAT Subject 등 다방면에서 좋은 성적을 거두고 EC와 같은 부분들도 잘 만들어나갈 수 있었습니다. 단순한 암기나 반복적인 공부가 …

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Benjamin C. Lee

안녕하세요. 무엇보다도 먼저 감사합니다. 선생님의 좋은 가르침 덕분에 SAT2 Math를 만점받는 기염을 토했습니다. US History도 710점 받아서 다시 공부할 필요는 없을 것 같아요. 바위에 계란치는 심정으로 미국에 왔는데 다행히 좋은 학원 다니고 좋은 선생님 만나게 되어서 이제 성적 올라가는게 보이고, 꿈만 같았던 대학들을 향해 한걸음씩 다가간다는 생각이 드네요. 너무 감사하고 꼭 좋은 결과로 이 은혜 …

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Minwoo S.

By working with the tutors at A Plus, I raised my SAT by 270 points. Today I receive THE E-MAIL from the UW. Thank you all. Thank you!

Matthew Lacambra

 “When I first came to A+ academy, my math skills were lazy and flawed, causing me to have poor grades in my Algebra II class the previous year. I failed to use simple concepts inefficient ways, leaving me with an initial score of 1160 on the SAT. After a few months of tutoring with Simon, …

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Nara K.

Simon is the first person that took me down a peg and made me realize that I have to work hard (harder than I ever have) to excel in school and life. It was a reality check I desperately needed. He pushed me, giving me the resources and tools I need to succeed while simultaneously …

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Group Preview Classes

Math Preview Group Class Why math preview is important? In math and math-based science classes, more than 80% students cannot understand the materials lectured by teacher, and at home they struggle to finish their homework. Sometimes they use Internet or friends’ help. This is not bad thing, but easily go bad.

Intensive Test Prep Class

A Plus Academy is different. A Plus Academy must be different from other tutoring centers. Every class in A Plus Academy must be the best class ever.We have different study materials. We cannot show you here, but the materials are full of the most real-test-like questions. Of course, we don’t use the published inferior test-prep-books.We …

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